Fall is upon us in Nashville, no matter how much we may pine for the warmth of summer. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all the pests that invaded your yard and home in summer will be going away anytime soon. There are actually some common fall pests in Nashville that you should be preparing for.
Did you know that autumn is when many pest species are at their highest and most active? That means they’re still mating, feeding and looking for warm, safe shelters. Check out the five most common fall pests in this area. It’s always a good idea to have a trusted pest control company in Nashville in your corner.
Top 5 Pest Problems During The Fall
1. Stink Bugs
These stinky bugs have distinctive triangular-shaped plates visible on their backs, measuring about 3/4 of an inch in total. They are usually brown and black, but some may sport metallic markings on their heads. They will give off a foul skunk-like odor when threatened or squashed, so try not to crush them. Instead, vacuum them up with a shop vac or coax them into a cup or scoop them with a piece of paper.
These agricultural pests can be very damaging to crops and gardens, but they don’t pose a danger to people.
2. Asian Lady Beetles
These insects, AKA Halloween beetles, can be yellow, black or orange in color with some black spots. They have a dome-shaped appearance with a marking of a “w” at the bottom of their heads. They aren’t dangerous to people, but they do tend to invade homes in high numbers in the fall, and can be a nuisance pest to fruit crops. That’s because they like to feed on the sweet ripened fruit.
3. Mosquitoes
The mosquitoes aren’t going anywhere just yet. Females will continue to feed on the blood of humans and animals, spreading diseases such as encephalitis and West Nile virus.
4. Rodents
This is the season when rodents start looking to hunker down in some warm shelter for the winter. Your home is a tempting place for them. Not only will they be warm, they will have plenty of food and water, and can nest safely out of the way to raise their babies. However,
they can spread serious diseases and bacteria to humans, not to mention they will destroy your clothing and other types of soft belongings. Finally, they can introduce a fire hazard due to their propensity for chewing through wires and cables.
5. Boxelder Bugs
Boxelder bugs are black and like to dine on the sap of the boxelder tree and other types of seed-bearing trees and plants. Bearing distinctive red marks on their wings, boxelders aren’t dangerous to people but can certainly be annoying. Plus, they damage your interiors by discoloring your walls, curtains, and upholstered furniture with their feces.
Now that you know what can invade your home this fall, plan for the solution: year-round pest control in Nashville!
Prevent Pest Problems During Winter Months
Pest control in Nashville during fall/winter season is essential because pests seek shelter indoors to survive the cold, posing health risks, property damage, and contamination. It prevents infestations, protects investments, and ensures peace of mind. Professional intervention is crucial for effective winter pest management.Pest Control & Exclusion in Nashville TN
If you spot any of these pests this fall, call our Nashville exterminators to nip the problem in the bud. Just contact us today at 615-502-2855 to schedule your free inspection and quote.