Cockroaches aren’t picky. They will set up shop anywhere at any time. That’s because they’re very versatile and can adjust to virtually any living situation. Heck, they’ve been known to survive nuclear blasts, so surviving in your kitchen is hardly a challenge for them.
German roaches are the most common kind found in Nashville and elsewhere in the United States. They are on the smaller side, about half an inch long, and they are yellow-brown in color. German cockroaches will infest any indoor space they can find.
They are scavengers, so they’re constantly on the lookout for food. But they don’t limit themselves to “people food” like crumbs and sweets. They will even eat toothpaste, glue, and book bindings. Roaches crave moisture and heat, which is why they like to shack up with you in the main part of the house. Things is, you’ll never seen them during the day.
Clean…Dirty…It Doesn’t Matter
You would think roaches are only found in dirty homes that aren’t very well maintained. While this is true, it’s also true that roaches can invest clean, well-maintained homes as well -- they just don’t breed as fast when there’s not a lot of food around for them to eat. There are two rooms in particular that they like to stay in: kitchens and bathrooms.
Kitchens are obviously a good source of food, with lots of warm, dark places to hide such as behind the fridge or under the stove. And bathrooms, usually the wettest room in any house, are beloved by cockroaches for the moisture and humidity.
The two main types of businesses that roaches will infest are restaurants and hotels. That’s because they can find plenty of food in both, as well as lots of warm spaces to hide. Establishments that do not prioritize proper sanitation practices are the most at risk for roach infestation. That’s not to say they won’t make their way into a clean business, though.
The Prevalence of Roaches
While they’re pretty nasty to look at it, the real problem with cockroaches is the health hazard they pose. They’re hardy pests and can pose many health problems while sticking around for a long time.
They’re quite crafty creatures and will not stop till they get inside your home via pipes, foundation cracks and under garage doors. They also happen to be great hitchhikers, too.
Roach mothers carry around their egg sacs until they start to hatch, which protects them from danger.
Cockroaches carry bacteria and viruses on their bodies while spreading disease from droppings. These diseases may include:
- E. Coli
- Cholera
- Dysentery
- Salmonellosis
Unfortunately, they don’t have to sting you to transmit diseases, like mosquitoes, for instance. So your health can be compromised even if you don’t see them at all.
Cockroach Exterminator in Nashville TN
Got roaches? Our Nashville pest control technicians, experienced cockroach exterminators can get rid of them once and for all. Book your consultation when you contact us today at 615-502-2855.