PureGuard Pest Solutions Blog
Articles and News for Pest Control Nashville, TN

How to Keep Your Nashville Home Spider Free
Many people have a fear of spiders, but the truth is, most species can’t hurt you. That being said, you still don’t want to share your home with spiders of any kind, right? That’s why it’s ...

Your Guide to Crawlspace Encapsulation
You may not give much thought to your crawlspace on a regular basis, but you should. It’s a major entry point for pests of all kinds, not to mention a source of moisture that can be ...

Don't Invite Mice Into Your Bedroom
our bedroom is your safe space, your sanctuary. The last thing you want to do is inadvertently invite mice into it. Yet mice are seeking three main things when they get inside your home ...

How to Differentiate Between Mouse and Rat Droppings
Rats and mice both qualify as rodents, but they do have their differences. One such difference lies in what their droppings look like. Knowing the difference can help you know for sure if you ...

How to Safeguard Your Garage From Pests in the New Year
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with loved ones to celebrate what you’re thankful for and enjoy a delicious meal. You’ll likely be inviting many people to your table to gather ...

Pest Control in Multi-Unit Housing Complexes
No one likes pests. They’re intrusive, dirty, and dangerous – not to mention they can do a lot of damage to your house or carry disease. While all pests are unwelcome, there are some that ...

Don't Invite Pests to Your Thanksgiving Table
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with loved ones to celebrate what you’re thankful for and enjoy a delicious meal. You’ll likely be inviting many people to your table to gather ...

Top 10 Most Hated Pests in Nashville
No one likes pests. They’re intrusive, dirty, and dangerous – not to mention they can do a lot of damage to your house or carry disease. While all pests are unwelcome, there are some that ...

Why Are Ants So Hard to Get Rid Of?
Ants are one of the more persistent types of pests. Whether you’re plagued with little black ants or carpenter ants, you probably expend a lot of energy thinking of ways to get them out ...

7 Pest Myths
We’ve all grown up with preconceived notions about pests, such as mice love cheese and clean houses don’t have infestations. Well, we are here to clear the air for you and dispel a few...

If You're a Property Manager, You Can't Skimp on Regular Pest Control
Property managers need regularly-scheduled pest control programs from a trusted pest control technician in Nashville. There are many reasons for this, from keeping up a well-maintained ...

When it Floods in Nashville: Common Pest Problems
For many neighborhoods in Nashville, flooding can be a big concern at any time of the year. However, just because you didn’t experience a rush of water throughout your home, doesn’t ...

The Importance of Pest Control in Your Retail Shop
The short answer is YES they can! But it’s important to understand how and why they like to get into and damage vehicles so you can prevent it from happening to you. When rodents such as ...

Questions to Ask Your Termite Control Company
Sheds are ideal resting places for pests because they are away from the main dwelling, can sit for many days straight without attention from the owner, and provide warm spots to breed ...

Can Rodents Damage Your Car?
The short answer is YES they can! But it’s important to understand how and why they like to get into and damage vehicles so you can prevent it from happening to you. When rodents such as ...

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Shed
Sheds are ideal resting places for pests because they are away from the main dwelling, can sit for many days straight without attention from the owner, and provide warm spots to breed ...

Facts About Wolf Spiders in Nashville
So named because they are considered to be hunters like wolves, wolf spiders patiently wait for their prey to come near. They have excellent eyesight, and lure their prey in – not to ...

How to Protect Yourself Against Tick Bites
There are three common types of ticks found in the Nashville area: the American dog tick, the Lone Star tick, and the brown dog tick. Ticks -- external parasites of mammals, birds and ...

Are Silverfish Eating Your Clothes?
Silverfish – sleek, silvery insects that like to hang out in dark, damp areas -- can suddenly pop up in your basement or bathroom when they find the perfect humid areas. In addition ...

How to Navigate Crawlspace Pest Challenges in Nashville
Chances are, you don’t think too much about your crawlspaces. They often go ignored when it comes to routine home maintenance, but these hidden areas can be breeding grounds for pest ...

Which Bugs Are Attracted to Mold?
From termites to cockroaches, mold can attract all sorts of insects and other critters. Unfortunately, mold and pests can get caught up in a vicious cycle. Moisture attracts ...

The High Cost of Rat and Mice Infestation in Nashville
Financial problems are just one kind of problem posed by rodents in your home. In addition to the high bills of repairs and replacements, you also have to worry about the foul ...

Guarding Your Pantry With Proactive Pest Control and Prevention
Food isn’t the only thing you’ll find in your pantry. Unfortunately, pests can invade your pantry because it contains what they love: food and a quiet place to hide. Pantry ...

Fly Control Made Simple in Nashville
Flies are common house pests that many homeowners live with at some time or another. But it doesn’t have to be that way. They are a big annoyance, plus they can spread disease. ...

Protecting Your Nashville Retail Store: Bugs That Eat Clothes
Water is a vital life source for all organisms, sustaining life in a variety of ways. However, some kinds of water – such as standing water -- can become a big nuisance and ...

Traveling? What to Know About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are probably the last thing on your mind when you travel. But just a few minutes of your time may be all that is needed to ensure you don’t unintentionally ...

Standing Water: How it Attracts Pests in Your Nashville House
Water is a vital life source for all organisms, sustaining life in a variety of ways. However, some kinds of water – such as standing water -- can become a big nuisance and ...

How Termites Impact Your Nashville Business
Spring is peak season for termites in Nashville. While the risk of disease is minimal with termite infestations, these destructive wood-eating pests can have a negative ...

What to Do When Your Dog Has Fleas in Nashville
Fleas are tiny nuisance pests that are tough to get rid of once you have them. These blood-sucking parasites can irritate your dog and infest your Nashville home—oftentimes ...

Is There a Difference Between Termites and Carpenter Ants?
It’s common to lump carpenter ants and termites into one and assume they are the same thing. Yes, they both cause damage to wooden structures in homes, but they have some differences ...

Hiring a Pro vs. DIY: Pest Control in Nashville
There’s certainly a time and a place for DIY projects. Things like painting a living room or fixing a leaky sink fixture are all well within the talents of most homeowners. ...

Prepare For a Deep Clean in the Kitchen This Holiday Season
The holidays are on their way and with it will come all the parties, get-togethers and seasonal events that will have you busy in the kitchen. Before you start baking, prepping ...

DIY Tips For Winterizing Your Nashville Home Against Pest
No one wants to invite pests to live with them for the winter. There are steps you can take to keep them outside where they belong, from sealing holes to cleaning out your ...

What Are Exclusion Services?
Pest exclusion is a preventative process that focuses on identifying interior and exterior vulnerabilities within a home and sealing them before pests, such as rodents, can ...

Pest Problems After Flooding
Flooding can be a problem for many neighborhoods in Nashville. But you don’t need a rush of water to invade your house to experience water damage. Even small amounts of water ...

The 5 Most Common Fall Pests in Nashville
Fall is upon us in Nashville, no matter how much we may pine for the warmth of summer. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all the pests that invaded your yard and home in ...

A Look at Our 8-Point Pest Control Service in Nashville
No one ever wants to have to deal with a pest outbreak in their home or business, yet proper and effective elimination is key. Our Nashville pest control technicians are thorough in ...

How to Keep Spiders Outside Where They Belong
While spiders are everywhere, this doesn’t mean they should be sharing space with you in your home. That said, they do act as natural pest control for many households because they get ...

Why Are There More Ants in Summer in Nashville?
Ants are a common pest in Nashville yards and homes, but it seems summer brings them out in droves. If you are plagued with ants, you’ll want to call an ant exterminator in Nashville ...

Facts About House Spiders in Nashville
Many people suffer from arachnophobia, an extreme fear of spiders. But even if you don’t have a clinical fear of spiders, not many people would actually choose to live among these ...

Keep Bugs Away With These Moisture Control Tips
Moisture control is the name of the game if you are looking to keep mold and mildew from infiltrating your home, giving off a musty smell and attracting pests such as insects ...

Conquering Summer Pest Problems in Nashville, TN: A Guide from the Experts
Summer in Nashville, Tennessee, is a time for outdoor fun and relaxation. Unfortunately, pests also thrive during this season, causing headaches and discomfort for homeowners ...

Summer is Wasp Season in Nashville
You probably associate spring cleaning with your Nashville home’s interiors, but don’t neglect the exteriors as well. There are many goals of spring cleaning, one of ...

How Do You Know You Have Termites?
No one wants to discover they have termites living in their walls or floors, but it’s an unfortunate fact that they plague many Tennessee households. In fact, homeowners ...

Spring Pest Control in Nashville: What You Need to Know
You probably associate spring cleaning with your Nashville home’s interiors, but don’t neglect the exteriors as well. There are many goals of spring cleaning, one of ...

How to Protect Your Garage Against Pests in Nashville
Spring and warmer temperatures are finally here in Nashville, TN, which is great for homeowners who want to get outside and do some yardwork or enjoy the weather ...

What to Expect the First Time You Need Pest Control
If you’ve never had to call an before and are suddenly faced with a pest problem, you may panic a bit. What can you expect out of the experience? Here are some tips when ...

Why You May Need Snake Prevention by a Pest Control Company
Eeek – you’ve spotted a snake! Now what? If it’s just one and it’s outside, no need to panic. But if there are multiple snakes and they’re in your house, call a snake ...

Keeping Mice Away From Your Bed
Mice seek three main things when approaching your home: food, warmth, and water. Because of this, bedrooms can provide the ideal space for mice to call ...

Why Are There Bugs in Your Bathroom?
Your bathroom is your sanctuary – a place where you can get some privacy, get ready for work or relax after a long day. But while a locked door will keep out invasive ...

How to Deal With a Bed Bug Infestation
No one wants to know they have bed bugs. It can feel like a personal violation because it happens right where you feel most vulnerable and secure: your ...

The Difference Between Mouse Poop and Rat Poop
Both mice and rats are rodents, that’s for sure. But they do have some notable differences. One of those differences is the appearance of their feces. Being able to ...

The Difference Between Carpenter Ants and Termites
Most people think carpenter ants and termites are one and the same, but while they both damage wooden structural elements in homes, they actually ...

Why Roaches Will Infest Anywhere at Any Time
Cockroaches aren’t picky. They will set up shop anywhere at any time. That’s because they’re very versatile and can adjust to virtually any living situation. Heck, ...

3 Reasons Why Silverfish Have Invaded Your Home
Silverfish can cause many homeowners to panic when they spot one. Lack of understanding is the main reason. That’s why it’s important to know the types of ...

How to Keep Pests Out This Winter
Summer may be over, but the pests are still here. Worse, now that the cold weather is moving in, those pests will want to move in with you! Fortunately, there ...

DIY Spider Pest Control
No one wants to discover they have pests in their house, whether that’s mice, cockroaches, spiders or bees. Even apparent termite damage is an unwelcome and daunting ...

DIY Rodent Pest Control
Ever see those old cartoons where the elephant squeals and runs away over a little mouse? Have you actually done the same when you have spotted one in your kitchen ...

4 Things to Know Before Calling an Exterminator
No one wants to discover they have pests in their house, whether that’s mice, cockroaches, spiders or bees. Even apparent termite damage is an unwelcome and daunting ...

Musophobia: The Fear of Mice
Ever see those old cartoons where the elephant squeals and runs away over a little mouse? Have you actually done the same when you have spotted one in your kitchen ...

Comparison of Social Insects (Ants, Termites, Bees)
Some insects are considered social, while others are considered solitary. Ants, termites and bees are all social insects. That means that rather than scavenging ...

Bugs in Nashville: Which Ones Are Harmful and Which Are Not
Whether you’re hanging out in your backyard at dusk or hiking through the woods on a weekend with the kids, you probably have concerns in the back of your mind ...

When Should You Call For a Termite Inspection?
As a property manager, you understandably want to keep tenants satisfied with well-maintained properties. But this can be a stressful job to keep track of, ...

Do Pests Affect Your Home Value?
If you’re selling your home and suspect you have pests, you may wonder if this will affect the value of the property and thus the price you can command for it. Many homeowners ...

When Should You Call For a Termite Inspection?
As a homeowner, you never want to consider having termites because you know how much damage they cause to structures. But termites can and do happen to homes ...

FAQs About Ticks
Ticks, external parasites, thrive on the blood of mammals (including humans), birds, reptiles and amphibians. They carry many diseases, including Lyme disease ...

5 Ways Your Home Attracts Pests
While no homeowner wants pests to join them in their house, many homeowners are sending mixed signals to those pests. How can you enforce a “no vacancy” signal ...

Squirrels and Their Stellar Survival Skills
The survival abilities of squirrels are second to none. Their brains are small but nimble, and while not all escape the game of chicken with oncoming traffic ...

5 Tips For Keeping Cockroaches Out of Your Home
Cockroaches are nocturnal, which means they may be keeping you company at night and you don’t even know it. They’re most common in apartments shared by multiple people, or in kitchens where clean ...

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Home
Squirrels, a type of rodent, can be spotted quickly due to their frenzied movements, bushy tails, and propensity for hiding nuts in nature. Like everywher ...

What is Our 8-Point Pest Control Service
When you have a pest outbreak in your home or business, you want to be assured of their proper elimination. You want to be assured that the Nashville pest ...

7 Signs You Have Bed Bugs
No one wants to learn they have bed bugs. These tiny blood-sucking pests are not only hard to find but they’re hard to get rid of too. From bites and odors ...

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Preventive Pest Control
You can’t afford an invasion of pests in your business. Not only can they ruin a good reputation by turning off customers, they can put you in hot water ...

Moisture Control Tips to Keep Mold and Bugs Away From Your Home
If your home smells musty and you can’t seem to get rid of it, you may have mold and mildew. These organic materials tend to grow in moist environments ...

Why a Termite Inspection is Important When Buying a House
Buying a house? Congratulations! Don’t forget to protect yourself and your new house with a termite inspection as part of the home buying process.

Which Pests Will Invade Your TN Home this Winter?
Winter’s coming, and you are probably looking forward to snuggling up with those you love in your home when the cold weather hits. Well, you’re not alone: ...

5 Pests That Are Bad For Business
If you own a business, you know the fear that strikes you when you spot a mouse run across the floor or see a roach on your counter. These pests are ...

How to Winterize Your Home Against Pests
From blocking holes where bugs can enter to keeping your gutters clean, there are many things you can do to prevent bugs and other pests from getting ...

The Truth About Earwigs
You may have heard a lot about earwigs in the past, but much of what you’ve heard is rooted in folklore and urban legend. You may have heard that these ...

Does Mold Attract Bugs?
In a word: yes. It’s a cycle, actually. Moisture attracts mold and then mold attracts bugs and other pests. So, in order to keep bugs out of your home, ...

Why Crawlspace Encapsulation May Be For You
If you have a crawlspace under your home or porch and tend to get a lot of moisture, you may benefit from crawlspace encapsulation. This usually involves ...

5 Most Common Fall Pests in Nashville
As the summer season is coming to a close and the cooler fall weather is on the horizon, you may be happy that at least you won’t be inundated with warm weather ...

Going on Vacation? Check Your Hotel For Bed Bugs
Summer is the time to take vacations and hit the road. But when checking into your hotel - no matter how many stars it gets online - always look for bed ...

7 Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home This Summer
As a business owner, the last thing you want to deal with in your business is ants. They can transmit disease, get into your food supply, damage property ...

Common Summer Pests in Nashville
Summer’s here and more and more people are having backyard barbecues, going on vacation and splashing in the pool. While this is all well ...

The Impact of Ants on Your Business
As a business owner, the last thing you want to deal with in your business is ants. They can transmit disease, get into your food supply, damage property ...

How to Handle Wasps and Hornets Around Your Home
Finally the warmer weather is here and you’re getting outside more and more. But just as you’re watching your kids play while lounging with . ...

Prepare For a Summer of Cicadas
They’re heeeeere! Cicadas, that is. They’ll be swarming more than usual this late spring into summer, as a so-called Cicadapocalypse is set to invade ...

What to do if Your Pet Has Fleas
First off, you have to hire a professional exterminator in Nashville TN. This is the only proven way to get fleas out of your home and thus off your pet. ...

How to Handle Ticks in Your Yard This Spring
Tick season is upon us once again, which means you have to be diligent in protecting your home, property and family from ticks and the diseases they carry. ...

Potential Costs of Rat and Mice Infestation
The costs of fixing the damage incurred by rodents in your home go far beyond the monetary ones. Not only do rodents create the possibility for high repair and replacement ...

5 Signs You Have Termites
Homeowners spend $5 billion every year on termite control and damage repair, according to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). In fact, ...

How to Choose the Best Pest Control Company?
If pests are invading your home, time is of the essence. You have to choose a pest control company to address the situation promptly, ...

Identifying Spiders in Nashville, TN
All spider species come with different characteristics. You may lump all spiders into one category; however, there are many native to ...

Identifying Cockroaches in Nashville, TN
You may assume you could spot a cockroach a mile off, but it’s easy to be mistaken. Let’s go over what a cockroach looks like and which ...